Tommy Penick Photo

Commercial and Outdoor Adventure Photographer

"There's nothing worse than a stale blog"

I love writing blog posts. My track record of frequency might hint otherwise, but there's something refreshing about looking back at a series of writings depicting a set time period--it's really not all that different from photographs. I've often heard from editors, colleagues, and friends, that there is nothing worse than a stale blog, so here's to fixing that.

I left you all at the end of the last post excited about being in the Southeast with big plans for the coming months. It all pretty much went off without a hitch. This fall we've been blessed with phenomenal bluebird days, beautiful leaves, and unfortunately very little rain for the paddling scene. However, with travel plans booked and jobs all over the eastern seaboard, I can't say I've had a whole lot of time to hang out in my Appalachian home. The past two months have been chocked full with travel, shooting, learning, more traveling, and very little sleeping. It's hard to encapsulate everything that has gone on in such a busy and transitional period, but it has all been great.

Early in the hiatus, I attended the Adventure Photography Workshop in Jackson Hole, WY with some of the industry's finest as instructors. The week consisted of tons of shooting, tons of inspiration to bring home, and lasting stoke to keep me going. The scenery and wildlife of the Jackson area is absolutely stunning, and being surrounded with such creative and excited people was a great rejuvenating recess from my typical photographic island.

Shortly thereafter, I hit the road again for a 15 state East Coast exploration, full of assignments, meetings, old friends, new places, and of course a little bit of outdoor adventure. Squeezed between meetings and assignments, I managed to get out on a childhood dream of running Great Falls of the Potomac and some other high quality paddling, as well getting my first snow of the year early in October just south of the Canadian border.

While bouncing around the country, I simultaneously worked on my first editing project with Trevor Clark and Rachid Dahnoun, putting together a motion piece they shot in the Yukon Territory for Highlands and Islands Mountain Bike Holidays out of Scotland. A few weeks after their return from the Yukon, I had a full hard drive of spectacular footage sitting at my front door. After a month of hard work on all of our parts, we were proud to promote our new three and a half minute promotional piece for H&I, as well as for ourselves. Take a look over at my Vimeo Page, and let us know what you think!

As I wrote this entry, I quickly realized it has been more a recap of my traveling and shooting rather than an announcement of cool new clients and future plans--sorry for the tease, but that'll just have to be saved for the next post! Keep in touch.