Tommy Penick Photo

Commercial and Outdoor Adventure Photographer

Snow Time

I love and live in Boone because of the winters. I love the cold, the crisp air, how great my coffee tastes in comparison, the inability to drive, and of course the unique opportunity to ski within 15 minutes of my door.

This fall, however, has disappointed me. Warm weather, blue bird skies--what many would consider ideal. Finally though, Boone weather prevailed, and after 4" of rain last Tuesday, the cold followed. Since then, it has been snowing since Friday, including 3" of snow Saturday between Noon-3 PM; the exact same time as the second round playoff game of App St. vs. Western Illinois. Paired with my new 300 2.8, it was one fun game to shoot.

Keep posted, one of these days I'll be posting something other than football.